среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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And if youapos;re NOT insane, Vote Obama.

I keep getting emails warning me that Obama is a Muslim. Trust me, he is NOT a Muslim. Itapos;s revolutionary enough heapos;s not 100 white. Holy shit, donapos;t make him a Muslim too. No matter what his middle name is.

But the simple lie is much easier to believe than the complicated truth. The wake of the last ugly swift boat having dissipated, we can hear another one passing by, sowing fear among voters whose interest in politics is a millimeter deep, but who have the same right to vote as anyone else.

Obama had an international upbringing before settling in my beloved Chicago, where he worked helping the poor locals, not building mosques and car bombs.

And if Muslims are inherently bad weapos;re in big trouble because thereapos;s half a billion of them worldwide, including all the Muslim refugees weapos;ve brought over here as a result of our various geopolitical tinkerings in Iraq, Kuwait, Bosnia, etc.

What scares me much worse than some nutball with a bomb is an out of control goverment. Right now thatapos;s what we have. The government borrows too much money; lets special interest groups make policy decisions and even write the legislation; and has a scary unilateral view of military power. McCain is no maverick even though in the Senate he might not have always sided with the GOP. What he did back then was tempered by the votes of 99 other senators. In this role heapos;s nothing more than the current administrationapos;s next pick for the guy with his finger on all the buttons.

By the way, the President is supposed to be the civilian overseer of the nationapos;s military. The Founding Fathers wrote it into the Constitution that way. Heapos;s not supposed to be some guy in a uniform covered with fake medals like some Third World despot. Some of our best-liked Presidents have been civilians. Certainly there have been many who never served as officers. Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, FDR, even Ronald Reagan, all these non-military guys who found themselves telling the generals what to do.

Then theresapos;s the thing about winning in Iraq. I do not believe this is at all possible. Do not let McCainapos;s lies about The Surge working fool you. The Surge has been a 100 failure. It has not accomplished one bit of its mission, which was to hold the fighting down for a while so the Iraqi government could unify itself, something that would never happen during open civil warfare. It calmed things down but since the Iraqis didnapos;t fix their government The Surge failed to do what it was touted to do.

We put all those lives on the line, kept soldiers away from their jobs, homes and families for all that time, and the Iraqis are still just waiting for us to leave so they can get back to their internecine warfare, carbombs and murders.

Iraq, like virtually all wars except perhaps WWII, is not a football game. We will never decisively conquer the enemy and stroll out of there victoriously. There will be no victory. What will happen is we will eventually get tired of the cost of holding that place together and we will weasel out somehow. Please, Neo-Cons, prove me wrong. Iapos;d love to be wrong on this one. But I am afraid I will not be. McCain will not help this situation at all. Heapos;ll just keep it dragging on.

But heapos;s the rich white guy, and I think a lot of people will vote for him because of that. Which brings me to Obamaapos;s race.

When I was born, there were still segregated schools, whites-only restrooms and the Voting Rights Act of 1964 was still almost a decade away. When I was eight it was a big deal when Captain Kirk kissed Lt. Uhuru on prime-time Star Trek. The first television inter-racial kiss. Their lips didnapos;t even touch on screen.

As a kid I never imagined Iapos;d live to see the day a black person would even be nominated for this highest office in our country. Even someone whoapos;s half-white, half-black.

I will be planning a vacation day for November 5. Either way this is too much for little old me to handle. And I voted already just to get it over with.
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